Train #7
Scheme of the train (photoreport) executed in the manner of tables. Icon is indicated type of "coach". For viewing is necessary to click on the icon. Values beside icons are following:
This photoset is dedicated to Malay (children's) Oktyabrskaya (October) railroad. Visit to this railroad has occurred at 4 september 1999. Additional information in WWW:
Contents of photo
Cover of the book by A. Philippov about Malaya Oktyabrskaya, which possible to buy in booking office. Book is very interesting. 436x640 85Kb
Two-way ticket - a main travel document on the road. 341x176 40Kb
Sidelong moving near-by from the platform Ozerki (gauge on the moving is three-rail, mixed for normal and narrow gauge). 662x441 111Kb
Station "Oziornaya" ("Lake"). On the left - train under boarding of the passengers. 662x441 82Kb
On station "Oziornaya" ("Lake") occurs boarding on the train, following to station "Yuny" ("Young"). 662x440 75Kb
Passengers have occupied places in the coach (coach of the type PV-40). 662x441 67Kb
Train arrived to station "Yuny" ("Young"). Passengers leaving train. 662x441 79Kb
Diesel loco TU2-060 on station "Yuny" ("Young") (he, apropos, is on the cover of the book, mentioned above). 662x444 77Kb
Tracks and platform of station "Yuny" ("Young"). You can see that "Yuny" is straight in the middle of the dwelling district. 662x440 90Kb
Diesel loco TU2, driven by young machinist, on manoeuvres. 662x441 66Kb
Diesel loco TU2 on station "Oziornaya" ("Lake"). On the left - narrow gauge, on the right - standard, transitory - mixed (three-rail). 662x441 87Kb

Convincing request not to copy and not to use somewhere brought on page without co-ordination with me. E-Mail is here!

All your comments and suggestions are welcome:

Special thanks to:
Valera Andreev
Mike Naumochkin