Train #555
Scheme of the train (photoreport) executed in the manner of tables. Icon is indicated type of "coach". For viewing is necessary to click on the icon. Values beside icons are following:
Here is the first "train" of another author on "Station of photos" - photos of Sergey Harebov in photoset. Here is on than they (words of the author): "The trip consisted 26 june 1999 in the city of Saint-Petersburg. Steam engine Er-766-41 from depaut TCh-7 of Oktyabrskaya road and eight (?) passengers coaches left from Vitebsky vokzal at approximately 9:38. Trip was made for Pushkin's carnival in the city of Pushkin (st. Detskoye Selo). The First coach of the train was a RIC coach, the european coach for foreigners. In rest coaches went, see, participants of the triumph. And like all desirous allowed for usual suburban tickets. Train went without stops to station Detskoy Selo, where was a 10-minute stop. Hereinafter, train has gone to the following station Pavlovsk without the people, since practically all will go to the carnival. On station Pavlovsk steam engine outstripped and has left to the vokzal back." In the column "Contents" - words of the author of photos.

Contents of photo
Locomotive is on the first track of Vitebsky vokzal and waiting for the train. 567x370 81Kb
Train has left tracks. Near the bridge through Obvodny channel. 567x370 85Kb
Folk has coverred a locomotive on the 1-st track of station Detskoye Selo. :-) 589x395 83Kb
Departure of the train from station Detskoye Selo. 567x366 92Kb

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