Train #181
Scheme of the train (photoreport) executed in the manner of tables. Icon is indicated type of "coach". For viewing is necessary to click on the icon.

Velikie Looki - station on the crossing of two lines: Bologoye-Polotsk (Sedletc) and Moscow-Vindava (Ventspils). At the beginning and in the middle of XX century this station was a very important point on the map. But now only one of the roads is in very intensive operation. The passenger station has a so-called "island" type (building of the station is located between railroads). There are two sides of the passenger station - Oktiabr'skaya (October, northern) and Baltijskaya (Baltic, southern).

Content of photo
Baltijskaya side of the station. 624x504 99Kb
Octiabr'skaya side of the station. 624x504 121Kb
Train at the Octiabr'skaya side if the station. 624x504 128Kb
Parts of the former bridge of the Bologoye-Sedletc road. 800x441 165Kb
Old shops of the locomotive repair plant. 624x504 138Kb
House of Culture (club) of the locomotive repair plant. 624x504 148Kb

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All your comments and suggestions are welcome:

Special thanks to:
Ivan Korovin