Train #177
Scheme of the train (photoreport) executed in the manner of tables. Icon is indicated type of "coach". For viewing is necessary to click on the icon.

In this photoset there are some photos from a short trip to Belarus (aka Belorussia, one of the ex-USSR republic).

Contents of photo
View from the tracks to the building of the station Polotsk. In July of 2002 it was under reconstruction. 710x360 72Kb
Diesel engine of "M62" series as a "head" of DMU train "DDB1". 710x353 64Kb
Station Zagattie on 499th kilometer of ex-Bologoye-Sedletc road. 658x424 61Kb very dark photo
Building of the station Postavy (small town near Lithuanian border). 694x459 69Kb
Building of the station Vitebsk. 705x358 99Kb

Convincing request not to copy and not to use somewhere brought on page without co-ordination with me.

All your comments and suggestions are welcome:

My special thanks to:
Ivan Korovin