Train #11
Scheme of the train (photoreport) executed in the manner of tables. Icon is indicated type of "coach". For viewing is necessary to click on the icon.

At 6 of august in Scherbinka (near Moscow), on the testing ring of VNIIZhT (All-Russian Railway Research Institute), took place a celebration of the Railroader Day. The main part of program was a riding on "alive" steam engine, also near the centre of control (tower) was a mini-exhibition of the rolling stock.

Steam engine in motion
Content of photo
Steam engine on tracks before the departure. 1024x768 116Kb
Close-up of steam engine in black and white. 1024x768 128Kb
All of who wants could be traveled right in cabin. 480x640 41Kb
Age of admirers of "alive" steam engine was different. 640x480 63Kb
Let's go! Steam behind the window of the coach from the train with steam engine. 640x480 56Kb
Steam engine with train in motion (in black and white). 1024x768 141Kb
Previous photo in retro style. Thanks to Dima Zinoviev. 1024x768 71Kb

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Content of photo
Tower (centre of control), near which was the exhibition. 640x480 39Kb
Exhibit of exhibition - electric locomotive of VL22 type. 640x480 46Kb
One more exhibit - diesel locomotive of TEP10 type. 480x640 45Kb
Next exhibit - electric locomotive of ChS4t type. 480x640 52Kb
Interesting exhibit - EMU train of SR3 type. 60 years of the service on roads. 640x480 51Kb
Close up of the head coach SR3. 640x480 57Kb
Close up of element of the coach from EMU train SR3. 640x480 60Kb
Recently EMU trains of ED4M were exhibits of sectoral exhibitions. Now they bring passengers to Scherbinka. 640x480 64Kb

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Steam engine FD ("Feliks Dzerzhinsky")
Content of photo
Steam engine of FD type on holiday used only as an exhibit of the exhibition. 640x480 59Kb
Manometer in locomotive. 640x480 57Kb
Instruments and mechanisms in cabin of the locomotive. 640x480 58Kb
Brakes manometer in cabin. 640x480 57Kb
View from the right wing of cabin (from the place of driver). 640x480 40Kb

All your comments and suggestions are welcome:

My special thanks:
Valera Andreev
Ivan Korovin