Two types of information are used on pages of "Station of photos":
- Photos and scanned illustrations.
Main type of illustrations on the "Station of photos" are photos, made personally by me at a different time and places.
Presence on photo of signature like or means that:
- photo is made personally by me (or another author, see name on signature) with simple or digital camera;
- digital processing of photo is made by me (author);
- all rights on this photo in digital and (or) other type belongs to me (author) and using of this photo somewhere without the preliminary co-ordination with me extremely undesirable.
On other illustrations presence of signature like means that:
- digital processing of illustration is made by me;
- in the case of the appearance of the legal owner of rights on this illustration and his disagreement on use of illustration on pages of "Station of photos", illustration can be removed from pages.
- Informational materials (texts etc.).
Texts for pages of "Station of photos" are formed by me personally. Quotings from other sources are executed in the manner of quotings. If authors of sources, from which brought quotings, disagree with the interpretation and (or) using of the quotings, they must to report me about their disagreement.
Hope, that any arisen problems in the field of rights, possible always to solve!
Sections of
the station
Station history
Departure lounge
Duty manager
Information (help)
Post (to send)